Qualaroo Survey Tactics For Valuable User Insights [Step-By-Step Guide]
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Qualaroo Survey Tactics For Valuable User Insights [Step-By-Step Guide]

Stefan MancevskiStefan Mancevski

July 15, 2021

A user lands on your landing page. They browse around and hit your pricing page. They get all the way there after reading your awesome landing page copy. They’re interested in your product.

And suddenly, they’re gone. No sale. A failed conversion at your pricing page. What went wrong?

You try to figure it out. You scroll through the page, making a list of things that could be hurting your conversion rate. You look over the list and make action plans for each item. Tweak this button size. Change that copy.

And you make a whole bunch of changes based on those insights.

Conversion rates remain the same…

But why didn’t it work?

You forgot to ask the people who actually matter – your audience.

Instead, you guessed.

As marketers, our own understanding of conversion rate optimization can only take us so far. At some point when things aren’t working, we have to go to the people we’re selling to. Ignoring them is a mistake we often make to our own detriment.

That’s why customer surveys are so important. Below, we share some of our favorite tactics to gain and act on insights from users, inspired by the survey gurus at Qualaroo.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • 5 Qualaroo-inspired survey tactics
  • An image-rich step-by-step implementation guide for each tactic
  • “How to act on these insights” pro tips

Note: The following tactics require a Qualaroo account.

Activate User Insights With These 5 Qualaroo Survey Tactics

Qualaroo Lead Generation Form

You can use a Qualaroo website survey to turn web traffic into real leads for your business.

The survey can be as simple as a prompt to enter your email and sign up for a newsletter.

Or if you want to get more sophisticated with qualifying the leads, have an actual survey asking users segmenting questions with an email signup CTA at the end.

Note: This survey integrates well with Salesforce.

Here’s how to build it:

Step 1: Create a New Form

Head to the Qualaroo dashboard and hit “Create New”

create new qualaroo survey

In the “Create New” modal, click on “Create a Lead Generation Form”

create new qualaroo survey modal

Note: If you intend for the Lead Gen Form to pop up on mobile, make sure you choose “Create Mobile Survey”

Step 2: Set Lead Gen Form Parameters

Now it’s time to set up your Lead Gen Form. In the Create Survey screen, you’ll have the ability to set your form’s name, the questions you’re asking, the answer types you’re looking for, and more.

qualaroo lead gen form builder

Start by naming your form. Then move on to setting your lead gen CTA copy and choosing the fields you want visitors to fill out.

question text

Finally, set your “Continue To” parameter. For this, you’ll want to lead users that submit their emails to a final thank you note.

submit button

Keep an eye on the design preview on the right to make sure everything lines up right!

qualaroo design

Once you’re done, hit Next.

Step 3: Target Your Lead Gen Form

Now that we have the form all set up, it’s time to target it. For a lead gen form, it’s a good idea to target all site visitors, but you can get as narrow as you want with it.

Start by setting the landing page where the form will pop up.

survey location

Next, set up your targeting parameters. You can choose 100% of all visitors, or you can get as narrow as targeting by a specific referral partner, a specific location, etc…

qualaroo survey targeting

After that, you’ll need to decide when your visitors will see the form. You can choose to have it show immediately when they land on your site or time-delay it. You can also have it trigger at 50% scroll or when a user shows exit intent. Experiment with different approaches to find one that works for your audience.

qualaroo survey display rules

Set your form’s display frequency – usually if a visitor has responded, you won’t want to show the form to them again.

qualaroo survey display frequency

You can also play around with activation rules. Keep it to manual to keep the test running as long as you need it to.

qualaroo survey activation options

Finally, you can choose to get notified about each response to your form directly to your email, or you can choose daily/weekly digests.

qualaroo survey notification options

Once all your parameters are set, hit Next.

Step 4: Design Your Form Popup

Next, you’ll be able to tweak some design features for the form popup, including a color scheme, logo, and on-site location where the form will show.

survey design

If you want extra control over how the popup looks, you can upload custom CSS using Qualaroo’s Design API (note: the API is an enterprise-level service).

After that’s done, you can preview it on your site. Otherwise, hit Save.

Step 5: Capture Emails

Once everything is ready, head back to the Qualaroo Dashboard and enable your new lead gen form.

enable survey

Once you start getting respondents in, you can export your responses as a CSV and upload them into your mailing list.

To make this easier and more automated, Qualaroo also has an enterprise-level integrations option that connects with services like MailChimp and HubSpot

qualaroo integrations
How to act on these insights:

It can be extremely helpful to use a multi-step survey that asks actual questions of your visitors before you lead them to a lead gen form. With that approach, you can actually gather valuable information about the people who sign up. You can then target your outreach to them based on their preferences and survey responses.

growth challenge

lead gen challenge

An example of how this would work is asking for a user’s greatest pain points. If you’re a marketing agency, you can ask what the biggest growth challenge your visitor has faced. The answers you get there will then let you respond with highly relevant content and an outreach approach that is catered for each individual visitor.


Qualaroo Exit Survey

Note: From here on, we’ll assume you already have the basics of creating a Qualaroo survey down and stick to tactic-specific instructions.

Sometimes your traffic doesn’t convert. Wanna know why? An exit intent-prompted survey can give you the answers you need.

Use Qualaroo to set up a survey that pops when users are about to abandon your page. In your survey, ask questions like “What was your biggest concern about making a purchase today?” to learn why your users aren’t converting.

*RESOURCE: How to Ease Purchase Anxiety for First-Time Buyers

Here’s how to build it:

Step 1: Create Your Survey

Step by step, go through the process of creating your exit-intent survey. Give it a proper name so you can pull it up when needed, and then start working on the question(s) you want to ask your departing visitors.

Questions like “What would have convinced you to complete your purchase?” or “Were there any items missing that prevented you from completing your purchase?” can get to the root cause of why your traffic isn’t converting

qualaroo question text

You can use multiple steps beyond this first question to figure out exactly what a visitor’s goal was in coming to your site.

ladder marketing

Each choice can lead to a different next step, so make sure you cater it to the user’s needs. Was an item out of stock? Let them enter their email address and be notified when you have the item in stock.

Once you’re ready, head to the targeting step.

Step 2: Set Targeting + Exit-Intent

First, make sure you’re putting this exit-intent popup on the right site. Are you trying to prevent users from leaving a pricing page? Or any of your product pages?

qualaroo pricing

Set your targeting parameters. Usually, for exit-intent, you’ll want to target 100% of your audience. However, if you’re running a test to see if traffic from a site like Product Hunt converts at a higher rate when prompted with exit intent, you can set that parameter easily.

product hunt targeting

Next up, you’ll want to target your nudge to pop up when a user shows exit-intent. This is usually when they show that they’re about to close your browser tab (their mouse moves out of the bounds of your website towards the “close” button).

exit intent nudge

Set the rest of your parameters below that and head to design.

Step 3: Finalize Your Exit-Intent Survey

Set your design, add your logo, preview it on your site, and connect any integrations. Once you’re ready, head back to the dashboard and enable the exit intent survey.

As it starts to collect data about your visitors, you’ll gain actionable insights from the answers you receive.

How to act on these insights:

An exit-intent survey will tell you a lot about what your visitors want from your site and your business. Maybe you don’t have enough stock of an item that they really want. Maybe your pricing structure is confusing. Maybe they think you charge too much for your products.

There are two ways you can act on this data. If you find that a lot of your traffic simply doesn’t find your product(s) necessary or affordable, you’re probably targeting the wrong audience and haven’t found product-market fit. If you find that they do want what you offer but you’re driving them away with parts of your landing page or just with a lack of inventory, then you can adapt based on demand.


Qualaroo Net Promoter Score Survey

Want to understand your relationship with your customers and have a constant pulse on their satisfaction?

You can figure out how likely your customers are to recommend you to friends and colleagues with a Net Promoter Score.

This lets you ask direct traffic and return visitors about their opinion of your business and whether they’d be willing to promote it.

From there, ask for the reason for their score, and you’ll get feedback gold.

Here’s how to build one:

Step 1: Start an NPS Survey

In the “Create New” modal, click on “Create an NPS Survey” to start your survey.

create nps

This will lead you to a screen where you can set up your NPS survey’s options.

ladder nps survey

Set all your parameters, adjust question text, and change your ranking labels.

Then, adjust the post-rating open-ended question.

nps open ended

This will let you ask your visitors why they gave you the number they did.

Once ready, hit next.

Step 2: Set NPS Targeting

Your net promoter score survey should appear, ideally, on every page of your site.

qualaroo nudge

Beyond that, you should only prompt users who came to your site directly – and repeat visitors.

nps targeting

For when the survey should display, Qualaroo suggests 3-5 seconds after the page loads.

page delay nps

And finally, make sure you only show the NPS survey once per visitor – you don’t want to have tons of responses from the same visitor polluting your data set.

once per visitor nps
Step 3: Finalize Design & Enable

That’s it! Now head back to the dashboard to activate your NPS survey. You’ll start collecting data that you can then use to better understand how you’re perceived by your users and how you can take advantage of their love for your growth. Qualaroo also has a premium NPS Reporting feature to make this easier.

How to act on these insights:

Your Net Promoter Score will tell you whether or not your repeat users consider your product something worth sharing. Each visitor that gives you a high rating on your NPS survey is one that you can ask to refer your business to their friends. A high overall NPS will let you take action on creating referral programs. A low one will tell you that you need to change something – reaching out to users that gave you low scores for more feedback is ideal in this case.


Qualaroo Nudge to Action

Users that stick around on your page for a long time but don’t convert likely have a valid reason for it.

Want to find out the reason? Ask them! Maybe your landing page is unclear. Maybe your pricing structure is confusing.

Use a Qualaroo time-delayed survey asking for reasons preventing a user from signing up to learn how you can better optimize your landing page.

Here’s how to build it:

Step 1: Build a Survey

Build a normal survey. Set your survey’s name, parameters, etc.

Step 2: Set Up Questions

The question you’ll want to ask, however, will be the crucial difference. This is a person who’s been on your page for a long time. They’re browsing around. They’re active. So they show interest.

Your question should take that into account.

ladder question

A “yes” answer should lead to an appropriate second step. If a visitor says yes to an email capture prompt, have a step where they can give you their email addresses.

A “no” answer can lead to any multitude of secondary questions, such as a “what brought you here?” question.

what brought you here

Finalize your question flow and hit next to set up your targeting.

Step 3: Target by Time on Site

For targeting, you’ll want to make sure the survey is time-delayed by a certain duration based on your Google Analytics average time on site.

time delayed popup

You can have it pop up in a minute if that’s what your analytics tells you is at or greater than average. Any time delay >30 seconds works well.

Show your nudge to 100% of users that are on your site for a longer duration.

Step 4: Run Your Nudge

Terrific – your nudge is up and running. Now you’ll be able to both learn why a user is on your site when they browse around for longer than average, and gather emails (or some other key data) from your most engaged audience.

How to act on these insights:

A nudge lets you more pointedly activate a user. Want them to give you an email address, but they’re not responding to your CTAs? Send a nudge. Want to know why they’re sticking around without converting? Send a nudge. Then make adjustments to the pages where you test the nudge based on the insights you gather. This will let you better conversion-optimize your landing page.


Mobile vs. Desktop Need Discrepancies Survey

Users visiting your site on mobile may have different wants/needs than desktop users. A mobile user may just be there to learn about your product, while a desktop user wants to reach your pricing page.

A Qualaroo survey asking mobile and desktop users what they wanted to accomplish on your site at their time of visit can give you insights into whether your landing page serves them properly.

Here’s how to build it:

Step 1: Set Up Your Desktop Survey

First, you’ll want to set up your desktop survey. Create a normal survey, set name and other parameters, and then set your question.

The question should ask something along the lines of “What did you hope to accomplish on our site today.”

accomplish desktop

Set up your targeting so that you’re reaching 100% of your users. Add a 10-15 second time-delay so you’re not immediately bothering visitors trying to read your landing page copy.

timing desktop

Finalize design, and activate your survey. Then, immediately replicate the same exact survey on mobile.

Step 2: Set Up Your Mobile Survey

In the “Create New” modal, start a new mobile survey.

create mobile

Your mobile survey creation screen looks very similar to the regular screen, so the process will be just as simple!

mobile questions

Set up the exact same questions as you did in your desktop survey.

Then head to targeting. There, click on the “Mobile Web” option (or the iOS-only mobile SDK, if you plan to use the survey in your mobile app).

*RESOURCE: Mobile Marketing Motherload! 10 Gems From The Mobile Growth Stack

mobile targeting

Again, set your survey so you’re reaching all users with a 10-15 second delay.

mobile delay
Optional: Set Up Screener

On mobile, Qualaroo gives you the option to set up a screener that allows visitors to opt into taking your survey. It’s up to you if you want to use one, but it might decrease the response rate as it adds an extra step to the process.

mobile screener on qualaroo

Once you’re done, finalize the design and enable your mobile survey.

Step 3: Gather Mobile + Desktop Insights

As your survey runs, you’ll start learning a lot about what your users want out of your mobile and desktop experiences. Your subsequent task will be to respond in kind to the data you gather.

*How to act on these insights:

You might learn that your mobile users just want to browse around. Or maybe your desktop users are looking for a demo. Mobile users might want to learn more about your product. Desktop users might want a free trial. *

It’s on you to adjust your mobile and desktop experiences to respond to user demand. Make changes in emphasis, user interface, and flow that take their preferences into account.

That doesn’t mean you should entirely remove the sales process from mobile if your users just want to browse around. It means taking different approaches to conversion across your mobile experience.

*RESOURCE: Marketing Tactics: A Guide With 200+ Tactics Worth Testing

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